Charlie Chan Carries On (1931)

Mark Kennaway offers Amyl Nitrate pills to Patrick Tait, held
up by Inspector Duff, who broke down during questioning. Publicity Still (8
x 10 inches)

Saddened by her grandfather's death, Pamela Potter is comforted by Mark Kennaway.
Publicity Still (8 x 10 inches)

Charlie Chan with Inspector Duff. Publicity Still (8 x 10 inches)

Charlie Chan holds the Three Wise Monkeys clue in a fanciful scene with Inspector Duff.
Publicity Still (10 x 8 inches)

Charlie Chan with the Three Wise Monkeys clue. Post Card (5 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches)

Charlie Chan holds the Three Wise Monkeys
clue in a fanciful scene with Inspector Duff and Pamela Potter. Publicity Still (8 x 10 inches)

Charlie Chan arrives at the dock in Honolulu. Publicity Still (8 x 10 inches)

On the final evening of the cruise, Charlie Chan speaks at the
Minchins' dinner party before all surviving members of the Lofton tour. Publicity
Still (8 x 10 inches)

A knife it thrown at Charlie Chan and Pamela Potter. Lobby Card (11 x 14 inches)

Charlie Chan speaks at Max and Sadie Minchin's ship-board party. Lobby Card (11 x 14 inches)

Charlie Chan with Mark Kennaway as the climactic moment nears. Lobby Card
(11 x 14 inches)

Charlie Chan Carries On Title Card (11 x 14 inches)
Contributed by Chris Ellis

Charlie Chan Carries On Glass Slide (3 1/4 x 4 inches)

Charlie Chan Carries On Window
Card (27 x 21 inches)

Charlie Chan Carries On Movie Herald Cover (6 x 4 1/2 inches)

Charlie Chan Carries On Movie Herald (interior) (6 x 9 inches
- opened)

Charlie Chan Carries On
Theater Program (8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches)