The House on Punchbowl Hill

Murder Over New York (1940)


Surprised by his appearance at the New York City airport, Charlie Chan
 asks son Jimmy why he is not at hard at work on his college studies.
Publicity Still
(8 x 10 inches)
Contributed by Gene Lue



Hugh Drake is found dead in George Kirby's office.
Publicity Still
(8 x 10 inches)
Contributed by William Armstrong


Charlie Chan and Inspector Vance question those who were present
at George Kirby's residence when Hugh Drake was murdered.
Publicity Still
(8 x 10 inches)
Contributed by William Armstrong



Inspector Vance questions actress June Preston.
Publicity Still
(8 x 10 inches)


Charlie Chan determines that George Kirby was poisoned.
Publicity Still
(8 x 10 inches)


In a fanciful scene, Charlie Chan shows Patricia Shaw and Keith Jeffrey
a glass pellet such as that which caused the death of Hugh Drake.
Publicity Still
(8 x 10 inches)
Contributed by william Armstrong



Charlie Chan and son Jimmy search Ramullah's curio shop.
Publicity Still
(8 x 10 inches)


Herbert Fenton threatens all aboard the TR-4 experimental bomber.
Publicity Still
(8 x 10 inches)



Hugh Drake is found dead in George Kirby's office.
Lobby Card
(11 x 14 inches)


Charlie Chan examines Hugh Drake's glass for signs of poison.
Lobby Card
(11 x 14 inches)



Charlie Chan questions actress June Preston about the pearl missing from her lavalier.
Lobby Card
(11 x 14 inches)



As Jimmy looks on, Patricia Shaw is questioned.
Lobby Card
(11 x 14 inches)


Charlie Chan, with son Jimmy, finds a suspicious class
capsule in the hidden laboratory at Aga Singh's Curio Shop.
Lobby Card
(11 x 17 inches)



With all suspects aboard, the TR-4 experimental bomber is about to go into its planned dive at 15,000 feet.
Lobby Card
(11 x 14 inches)


As Herbert Fenton is about to sip from a cup of water, Paul Narvo, the murderer, is suddenly revealed.
Lobby Card
(11 x 14 inches)


Murder Over New York 
Half Sheet Poster 
(22 x 28 inches)



Murder Over New York
One Sheet Poster
(41 x 27 inches)


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